More Goals

I’m typing this post on my iphone on the train to Basel, so please excuse the lack of pictures and possible typos. The reason for my trip is I am attending a CrossFit Level II certification seminar tomorrow.

I have a level I qualification so clearly this is the next step, however I am not actually there as a candidate. Instead I have signed up to be a test subject. Part of the assesment process is a teaching session in whichyou have to demonstrate your coaching style, ability to communicate, command a group and knowledge of the key CrossFit movements. I will be one of the test dummies that the candidates get to practice on.

The level II cert is notoriously difficult and most people fail at least once before passing. This chance to participate should give me a ground level view of how the cert works, as well as the opportunity to meet some people from the community around Europe and talk shop. All of which is very cool.

The other reason for my post is to add some addendums to my goals list from last week. I am something of a blogaholic, especially those of a fitness nature, and it seems like recently every man and his dog have been presenting their 2010 goals online. Most of them seem to be on the lines of ‘finish my first novel’, ‘learn Chinese’, ‘be kind and smile to strangers’ and ‘rescue at least three stranded kittens a week from burning buildings’. Ok I made that last one up, but you get the idea. Now noble though they may be, I can’t help but cringe when I read them. Rest assured my goals are far less grand and a lot more venal.

I really want to give the paleo diet a go this year, in fact I plan to start a one month trial on Monday. I read the Paleo Diet book by Loren Cordain last summer but there were a couple of things about the diet I really did not like. I have since got my head around those issues and I’m ready to go.

For those who are not aware, the paleo diet calls for the same foods that were available to Paleolithic man, before the advent of agriculture some 10,000 years ago. That obviously means no processed foods, but it also bans all grains, dairy and legumes.

I’m totally fine without legumes and grains, as other than the odd post workout meal of oatmeal, I rarely eat either. However, dairy is more of a problem as cottage cheese, yoghurt, milk, cheese amd protein powder form a regular part of my diet. It’s not just the taste I like, but the convenience. A bowl of chocolate protein powder, almond butter and cottage cheese is one of my favourite staples – quick and easy to make as well as delicious.

The other problem I had was that the book calls for a maximum of six eggs per week. Again, hard boiled eggs are a cheap and easy snack and I could easily eat 8-10 in one day, so six per week could be a problem.

I have been doing some more research and it seems the egg rule can be relaxed, especially if the eggs are bio so that is cool. As for the dairy, I am just going to have to suck it up. It means I will have to be more organised with my food prep because quick meals will be a bit more limited. In any case preparation is key with any nutritition plan as diaster always strikes when you get stuck somewhere with limited food options. I think my food bill will also increase as I will be putting away more meat and eggs, but this is an investment in my health so I am not too worried about that. Overall I am really excited about trying this out and I will definitely blog about how it goes.

The only other goal I have is to get 100 consecutive double unders by the end of March. My current record is 86 so this should be attainable if I practice twice per week. I will put up a vid once I get there.

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